2016-2017 Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Career Planner
Career Planner
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
JOB SEARCHING Searching for a new job can be a daunting prospect for any professional. Securing the right position takes hard work, research, persistence and good instincts. Below are some strategies to help you make the most of your search efforts: • Clarify your career goals. Take the time to evaluate what you want out of your career. What does your ideal job look like to you? What is your career trajectory? Write your answers to these questions and keep these in mind during your search. • Research the market. Know as much as possible about the organizations that interest you. You can find this information through company websites, JHSPHConnect (https://jhsph-csm.symplicity.com), local newspapers, state industrial directories, and reference books. Try targeting a few companies in which you are interested (whether they are advertising or not) and calling to see if they are hiring in the near future. • Network. Identify and choose people to connect with. Be thorough and creative in compiling your list of people to contact. Begin with people you know: faculty, classmates, former employers and colleagues, family members, and alumni. Collect new contacts; develop relationships. Create advocates for yourself to be aware of opportunities on your behalf. Develop a networking plan: make calls, send emails and letters. Have business cards printed and with you at all times. • Location vs. Industry. A question to ask yourself - is geographic region more important to me or is the industry/company more important to me? An answer to this question may help you to decide between what you want and what you’re willing to accept. Reverse pyramid. Consider starting your job search broadly at first and then narrowing it down as you progress further in your education and training. • Brush up on skills. Online courses can help you stay current. You might also want to evaluate how your soft skills could be improved; consult friends, former colleagues or career staff for tips. • Make your case in writing. Ensure that your resume and cover letter are error-free – ask a career services staff member to double-check both for spelling and grammar. • Consider temporary employment . Professional-level temporary assignments enable you to work for companies of all sizes and across many industries. You'll gain valuable experience that just might help you land your next job.
Searching for a position is full-time work in itself. By following the suggestions above, you'll be well on your way to clarifying your career goals and building skills that will serve you well in your next job –and future jobs.
Need to find a JOB?
Try JHSPHConnect Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Online Career Management System It’s easy, it’s always available, and most importantly, IT WORKS!! https://jhsph-csm.symplicity.com/
Research the more than 4,000 organizations that use the system Receive New Job Announcements directly from the system via email View upcoming events using the calendar function Use the one-click & customized job searches to focus your job search
For more information and access to the system, contact Career Services at (410) 955-3034 or JHSPH.careers@jhu.edu.
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